On the Asiatic Origin of the Anglo-Saxons.

Do the English originate in Persia?…

When the Anglo-Americans embark on their next war, in Iran, won’t the English soldiers get twitchy shooting at their blood brothers?


Pass the goat curry, the Englisch are here!

“the admirable scholar, Joseph Scaliger, has told us that fader, muder, brader, tuchter, band, and such like, are still used in the Persian language, in the same sense as we say father, mother, brother, daughter, and band.”

11 responses to “On the Asiatic Origin of the Anglo-Saxons.

  1. Aih, and you have this blog in English, a true Asiatic language?

    Utterly fool.

    Do you, by any chance speak or write Gealic?


    • Utterly butterly!

      I like Gealic bread.




      • Hilarious……. about as funny as the half ENGLISH, half Northern Irish comedian who first came up with that – NOT VERY.

        Instead of making stupid little word plays that make me want to cringe why don’t you instead answer the question?!
        The truth is you can’t can you? Because you don’t speak Gaelic, Brythonic or any language that is remotely Celtic!
        You’re a f**king fraud!!!!


  2. “When the Anglo-Americans embark on their next war, in Iran, won’t the English soldiers get twitchy shooting at their blood brothers?”

    I say let em go for it, let them kill each other whilst I sit back in a bar drinking laughing at the TV playing the carnage for us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Then you wouldn’t have anyone to pay the taxes for your benefits / welfare payments would you? How utterly silly of you, never mind, you’re forgiven Foley.
      Keep up the good work you waste of air!


      • There we go again, he is disgusted because I consume alcohol, only a muslim believes people who drink are wastes of space, go back to Germanic World Forums and tell the entire forum of Asiatics to go Fuck themselves.


  3. Michael Hidinger

    Dude, don’t you know that the Celts also originate in Asia? Don’t you know the story of the Milesians and the Tuatha de Danaan? Irish folk tradition states that the Milesians originated in Scythia before they migrated to Ireland and displaced the native Danaans.

    Icelandic Nordic tradition mirrors this account: the Aesir warrior gods from Asia invaded the lands of the Vanir, the native peoples of the north. These two traditions indicate that the native megalithic peoples of western and northern Europe were similar and experienced invasions from Asia in the east.

    Starting with the Vanir of Germanic and Scandinavian tradition, we have Freyr and Freyja, the Lord and Lady. Freyr (also Ingvi or Yngvi) is the Lord of Peace and Plently, Lord of the Elves. Freyja is the Lady of Love and Magic. Moving to Ireland and the British Isles, we have Angus Mac Og who closely resembles Ingvi Freyr. The pre-Celtic goddess Brigit is very similar to the Vanir Freyja. The Vanir of northern Europe are the same as the Danaans of western Europe.

    Now compare the gods of the Indo-European Celtic and Germanic peoples: the Germanic pantheon is the Aesir, the Celtic is the Milesian- “esian” should read “Aesian” for purposes of comparison. The three main gods in the Nordic pantheon are Odin/Woden/Wotan, Thor/Thunor/Donar and Tyr/Tiw, ? (Dienstag is the equivalent day in Germany). The three main Celtic gods given to the Gauls by Roman authors are Aesus, Taranis, Teutates. Aesus is said to mean “lord” and I would equivalate that with Odin. Taranis is Thor- Tanaros is another Celtic variation. Teutates equals Tyr/Tiw and I would also note that it sounds like “Teuton”. Many authors equate the Celts and Teutons as being related.

    The genetic evidence is similar: R1b was once thought of as the native Western European haplogroup but now it seems that I and its subclades are the actual Native Europeans. R1b and R1a1 seem to originate in central Asia: R1b being Celtic (Basques are Celtic IMO BTW- Aquitannians in Roman literature), R1a1 is a Slavic haplogroup that also has a strong presence in Scandinavia (the Aesir).

    Why the hatred? I grew up thinking I was half English, half German in my ethnic ancestry. “Are you Irish?” is something I’ve heard countless times in my life- “Are you Irish or Welsh?” only once. I practice Irish on a regular basis and now have a basic proficiency in it. I’ve tried speaking Welsh too and seem to grasp the basics. I try to learn Germanic languages also.

    Peace across the universe in John Lennon’s memory…


    • Scythians were a redhaired people who live in what is now the Ukraine, in fact the Tocharins likewise a redhaired people lived on the steppe. They all got pushed back by advancing Asiatic wanderers.


    • Even the aryans who invaded subcontinent had same God’s who are indra, Mithra, varuna, shukra.
      But to say that names of God would have relation with ancestry would be too naive because Europeans have different appearance. Or I could be wrong.

      I am from India and I don’t deny aryan invasion theory at all, because these people did come.

      Sanskrit or language which Vedic people spoke was different than the Sanskrit which got developed here.


  4. grecian egyptian (mystery) anglo american saxon persian


  5. Unlikely, Saxon name is derived from saex, which means knife holders and most of them are dalofaelid in appearance


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